Myia got a new sewing machine for her 10th birthday. This video is one week later. She has wanted to learn for a long time and I have been working with her for a while, but now that she has her own machine, she is taking off. I am so proud of her.
Here she is sewing a Barbie skirt and/or top. Please watch all the way to the end and see what her next video will be about!
Please leave a comment for her and encourage her on her journey to become a seamstress! “Like” her on Youtube please!
Share this with your friends that have little girls that want to learn sewing.
Tiffany, Ha you know she is!
Look at that pretty little girl!! I bet her momma one fabulous gal 😉
A MummysLife, it is very rewarding when they have the desire to learn at an early age. She has been wanting to learn for over a year because she sees me making things for them and their barbies. I have been working with her a little here and there, but when I got her that machine for her birthday, she couldn’t believe it. I am proud of the way she is learning so fast. She said her birthday was the best day of her life! Can’t get any better than that!
Thank you Amy, I am so proud of her. She actually watches videos from other little girls making crafts and sewing. So when she was able to complete a skirt without my help, she wanted to shoot her own video. When her mom was little, I always wanted to teach her but she showed no interest in learning so I am soooo happy that one of my grandchildren is taking after me! 🙂
What a little cutie and she’s very accomplished for taking up sewing. So few people seem to sew these days. Well done, Myia!
Clever girl! I can’t wait until my girl is old enough to teach how to sew.